
Showing posts from October, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

Busy bee that I am, I haven't had time to write... David was here for a while, driving me crazy. It be hard to stay with someone that long. I told him we should just be friends. Beth comes this weekend!!!!! Yay! Trying to clear out the porn, or at least organize it. I can't wait til the party so it can be gone. My apt is too small for so many porn dvds. Hopefully the party will go well. Got another job for a Knitting DVD, doing some internet marketing... still unsure of what i'll be doing exactly. Had yesterday and today sort of off, i have not left my pjs, although I have gone to target, etc... anyway... LL

Ah, Elastic Assholes

Still in porn. Went to Vegas. Was fun. Lost money. Very tired. Night night. LL

Boogie Nights party now NOV 18th...

and it is gonna be gooooooood. LL Oh yeah... I like poker. And I got a new fish...His name is Blanche. Yes, HIS.