
Showing posts from June, 2007

Who says your mind needs to be challenged?

I am certainly not challenged at this job. But I like it that way just fine. I may be busier starting next week since my boss will be gone, but still. This week, I watched all of season 1 and much of season 2 of The Office on Netflix. (You can now download movies to watch on a PC)... very entertaining. When I am not doing that I am reading. I soared thru a book already. This job is the perfect situation. I really feel like I fit in. But I am tired! I went to be pretty early last night.... i crashed. So i feel a little better today, but I will probably get back in the habit of not doing much on friday nights. I just look forward to chilling! Maybe if I get a date or something... I found a good indian buffet near duke yesterday for lunch. Yummy!! Since I did a week of work, I will actually get paid next friday! Yay!!! LL

Halfway thru first week already...

but it seems like i've been here forever! I fit in great. My boss is so nice, buti'm sad she will be on leave for all of July. I went to my first knitting group last night. It was the first meeting of a group in Cary/Apex. Everyone was so nice. There were about 20 of us. I assume as time goes on, the numbers will trickle down, but who knows. We were brimming with ideas of things to do, like going to a fiber fest in Asheville in October. I'm such a kntting nerd. And proud of it! Sat night I may go to the outdoor movie and concert at the NC Museum of Art. Dave may go with me. I think I'm on the guest list. That's what Dave Hartman, the drummer said. The band playing is Southern Culture on the Skids (jealous Marri?), and the movie is Talledega Nights. Hope it's a nice night. Mark and Beth are going to New Orleans to see the Police. Jealous am I! I hope to go in November in Atlanta, but we'll see if it sells out before I can afford it. LL

Started today...

So far so good. It was sooooo hard to get up to be at work at 8am today. I'm tired. I may need a nap when i get home. Hopefully I'll get used to it soon. So far, pretty boring, but there are worse things than getting paid to do nothing! In other news... Leigh, Chuck, Colin, Mom, Mischa, and Oscar visited friday and saturday. Phew! Brooklyn was piiiiiiiissed. I guess she didn't know what to do with so many dogs around. She was hissing and having a fit the whole time. Now Leigh and Chuck think I have a psychocat. She's sweet, I swear! When Mom met her she was sweet. They thought Elle was mean, but she was fine once she got over the initial greetings. I slept all day yesterday since it was my last chance to do so a lot. Woke up at 5pm! LL

I'm a Dookie! Ew!

That's right. I got a job at Duke. In the Corporate Finance Dept for the Health System for 3 hospitals. I start as a temp and probably become perm in August or so, assuming they like me. Cons: It's Duke! And the job will probably be pretty dull. Getting up at 7am. Pros: The people seem nice, the commute isn't bad, i actually get to park in the same building i work, GREAT benefits, good pay. If I had worked at UNC, I probably would have had to take a bus cause parking is so bad, and the pay would've been worse i'm sure. So now I'm trying to enjoy my last few days of freedom. I have a short orientation session today at 4, and one tomorrow at 9. I'm not going to DC this weekend, cause Leigh, Chuck, and the baby will be coming thru here and spending the night tomorrow. I've got to try to organize what I can in my bedroom today. Everything else looks great. I even vacuumed. Gotta start a new knitting project. Maybe i'll do some more baby toys. Or perhaps ...

Isabel's Poodle!

Isabel's Poodle! Originally uploaded by zouah I got this pattern free online. It was from a 1951 patternbook.

She Likes It!

She Likes It! Originally uploaded by zouah Isabel with her new poodle... and Beth's feet.

Me and the Bday Girl

Me and the Bday Girl Originally uploaded by zouah Isabel loved playing with this cup!


LeslieandColin Originally uploaded by zouah Here I am with Colin when he was just a few days old. (He's 3 weeks now)

A very happy first birthday for Isabel!

So I knit a stuffed poodle for Isabel's bday... her party was pink poodle themed, so I made it pink. She liked it, but mommy Beth loved it. I am proud of myself. I stayed up until 3am finishing it. But it's so cute. As soon as I make myself load photos from my camera, I'll post a pic. Maybe i'll do that tomorrow... there are months of photos on there. On to the next knitting project... or maybe finish some old ones... Anyway, the party was fun, and it was great to see Mark and Beth's families. I hadn't seen any of them since I moved. The kids were so cute. I took tons of pics. Becky had her 8 month baby Finn, and JW and Suzy had Ava and Megan, and Katie and Jon had Eliza. And the cake was awesome. Yum. Now I'm home and relaxing. Since I have no Netflix movies right now, I've actually gone into my own collection. I have finally opened my Superman box set! It's 14 Discs. All the movies and tons of extras. I watched Superman 1 and am now on the features...

Well pluck my feathers and call me a chicken

I eat way too much Chick Fil A. It is so good. It's like I feel like it will suddenly go away and I wouldn't have had enough. At least today I didn't get a milkshake with my order. No job. No job. No job. No money. No money. No money. Still working on the knit surprise for Isabel. I hope I have it done on time. I should. I've been staying up pretty late working on it. I wrote my replacement at AVN today and requested a refill on porn. I have to stay informed on the latest releases if I'm gonna vote again this year! I actually miss working in porn, and it looks like I won't be continuing. Sad. Need to go clip my toenails. Exciting! LL

Another day goes by...

It's so hard for me to keep up with what day it is without a job and schedule! Tomorrow I have an interview at an employment agency in Raleigh. Yesterday I went to lunch and the mall with Beth, Isabel, and Mark. We may go to Maple View Farms today for ice cream. It is so hot and humid here. I thank god that I have central air. My apartment always feels great. LL


I took my car in to the shop today, left it there all day and they couldn't get it to overheat! Of course! Good and bad... it'll probably happen again to me. I just have to wait and see. I didn't get the latest position from Adam & Eve. I looked for a job all day too. It's so frustrating. LL

Back and not goin anywhere for a bit

New York was fun. It was great hangin with the ladies, but tiring! And I had problems with my flights both ways, so that sucked. Saturday night we went to the coolest bar ever on the Lower East Side. It was called the Back Room. It was down this little alley, and in the back of a shutdown restaurant. The decor was so cool, all velvet, even the walls. And it was like an old speakeasy. The drinks were served in teacups and bottles in bags. Like being in a secret club! I got home and Brooklyn was all over me all night. Elle stayed one more night at Katie's. And now she's home and was runnin all over the place. I won't be leaving them for a while. The only trips I foresee any time soon are road trips. I'm working on the cutest thing for Isabel for her bday next weekend. I hope it turns out well. I will post pics if it does. LL