Great Week with Wayne!

Monday, April 11, 2005
BARBERSHOP QUARTET DAY The SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America) was founded on this day in 1938 by 26 singing, striped-shirted gentlemen. Now we know that’s 6½ quartets worth, but that’s what it took to get the organization humming. So, let’s head for the barbershop and ask for a “shave & a haircut, two bits!” or a refrain of Sweet Adeline.

By the way, Sweet Adeline, the love song that became a favorite of barbershop quartets, was written in 1903 by Richard Gerard and Henry Armstrong; and there really was a sweet Adeline. She was opera singer Adelina Patti.

Today, female barbershop quartets are called Sweet Adelines.

All together now, let’s harmonize. Hummmm.

Let's run down my exciting weekend... Saturday, we went hiking down south on a really rocky beach. Fun, but tiring! Yesterday, we went to Santa Anita for a day at the horse races. I was able to quench my gambling needs for a day, and it was uberfun!! Horsies! Yay!



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