One moment can suddenly become dramatic

So, last night Albie called me after not speaking to me for like 7 months or so... oh, you remember Albie. Mr. Confusion who I almost married. I won't bore you with details, cause it was noneventful, but you will be proud of reaction. You never know how you will about something like that happening until it actually happens. Luckily, I have not let it shake up my universe in the least! i felt nothing! didn't think i would, but feelings are funny unpredictable uncontrollable things... it was good to hear from him overall though. and i was glad to be able to report that i am totally devoted to someone else. so there.

in other news, Carolina has defended the #2 spot on the rankings this week... we play Dook tomorrow. Never know what will happen in those games. I need to tivo it if i remember. go heels!

i have therapy today. i have a lot to tell dr pauley!




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