It was the first weekend in a month that I stayed home with no real plans, and it was awesome. Friday nigth, I did stay out late at a "girl" party. I was able to offer my expertise, and i bought a couple of things as well. Saturday, I went to lunch with Beth and Isabel and ran a couple of errands. Yesterday, I had lunch with this guy I met at one of my dining outings. I thought maybe we would hit it off, but he drove me crazy!! I did borrow a book on CD about opening a business though... so i'll be listening to that in my car. Next weekend, I have more things planned, but I'm still here, so that'll be be nice. But then I'll be ready to go away again... to WV. I started to put my new bed together this weekend, and realized it was missing the instructions. Argh!! I'm having a good hair day. Yay! LL