Good weekend in Granite Falls

I went to see Staci, etc Sat and Sunday in Granite Falls. Had a good time.

Friday, I went to a bingo night and won a couple of prizes including a nifty poker set! I also filed all my taxes, and will get a refund on all parts for the first time in like 5 yrs!!!! Maybe I can stop some of the bill collector calls now and clean Elle's teeth.

Sunday, when I got home I had a 5 hr porn waiting for me to review. Fun. Will be good money though.

Yesterday was my first workout in the Duke study. Not hard at all yet, but boy did I sleep like a rock!! I lifted 4200 lbs and it'll gradually go up to 15,000 or more!!! What a brute I am!

In other news, I still can't believe Michael Johns is off Idol. All my eggs are on David Cook now. MMMMM, David Cook, take me away.



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