Going to LA!!!

So, AVN needs my help and asked me if I would come out for a few days. I told them they would have to ask Adam & Eve since I just started and all... well, they did, and A&E agreed to let me go, without pay of course. but that's ok, cause avn will be paying me. and flying me out, getting me a hotel, and car. yay!! surprise visit to LA! I'm going Jan 28-Feb 1.

I was supposed to go up to Hendersonville this weekend for Ginny's 2nd wedding reception, since couldn't go to the first... but i think the roads up there will be too much for my little car. and I'm broke. STILL haven't gotten another check from unemployment for Dec.

But I have a blind date today... somebody Mark and Beth, well Mark, is setting me up with... we'll see. It'll at least be good to maybe make a new friend.



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