Karma's a Bitch!

The friday night thing was fun. Like a sleepover without the sleepover part.

I had a generally good weekend til the last part, even though I was stuck in durham to conserve gas. Saturday, I received some milk (long story), and then hung out at Alice's for a bit.

Sunday, I watched porn and Jim came over to hang out (not at the same time). I Made a little food, which apparently got him sick, and we played video games. Fun! But then he freaked out and high-tailed it out of there, and may as well have had a 10 foot pole in hand. I'm surprised I didn't find tire marks in the parking lot. I really don't know what I did, but apparently I should learn to never start to open up and actually like someone. Not that I have control over liking someone. But now I fear I have ruined a potentially great friendship if nothing else, simply because I dared to really like somebody. The nerve! Well, it's too late now, and I fear he'll probably never speak to me again. Having been in a similar situation as him before, I have found it better to just jump back on the horse so to speak, but to each his own. He gave me a line that I myself have used to blow someone off, verbatim, so I know what it means. It means, leave me alone, I'm just not into you. So go away. Wah! Men are so confusing. And I feel really bad for whatever I did, or didn't do that I should have... like I said karma's a bitch.

Oh well. At least I have knitting and porn. And my sweet cat who tried to cheer me up by curling up against me all night. Elle slept on my clothes in the closet. Thanks Elle.



Beth said…
Boo!! Hiss!!

Boys suck!!!!!!!!!!

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